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英美文学 70分(其中,英国文学35分,美国文学35分)
英美文化 40分
语言学 40分
1. 英美文学题型(共70分,其中,英国文学35分,美国文学35分)
(1)英国文学部分题型 (共35分)
作家与作品相匹配 约5分
判断所给作品选段的出处 约10分
小论文写作 约20分
文学常识 (多种形式) 约20分
论述题 约15分
2. 英美文化部分题型 (共40分)
正误判断题或选择题 约10分
名词解释 约10分
论述题 约20分
3.语言学部分题型 (共40分)
正误判断题或选择题 约10分
分析题 约10分
论述题 约20分
The Anglo-Saxon Period: Beowulf
The Anglo-Norman Period: Chaucer; Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
The Renaissance: More; Bacon; Sidney; Spenser; Marlowe; Shakespeare
The 17th Century: Donne; Jonson; Milton; Dryden; Bunyan
The 18th Century: Defoe; Swift; Addison and Steele; Pope; Johnson; Gray; Goldsmith; Fielding; Sheridan; Blake; Burns
The Romantic Period: Wordsworth; Coleridge; Byron; Shelley; Keats; Scott; Austen; Lamb
The Victorian Age: E. B. Browning; Tennyson; Robert Browning; The Bronte Sisters; Dickens; Thackeray; Eliot
The 20th Century: Hardy; Shaw; Conrad; Yeats; Forster; Woolf; Joyce; Lawrence; T. S. Eliot; Orwell
Popular ballads: Robin Hood and Allin-a-Dale; Get Up and Bar the Door
Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales (General Prologue)
Shakespeare: Hamlet(Act III, Scene I); Sonnets 18, 29, and 106
Bacon: Of Studies
Donne: Song; A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning
Milton: Paradise Lost (Book I)
Swift: Gulliver’s Travels (Part IV)
Gray: Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
Blake: London; The Chimney Sweeper
Burns: John Anderson, My Jo; A Red, Red Rose
Wordsworth: I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud; The Solitary Reaper
Lord Byron: Don Juan (The Isles of Greece)
Shelley: Ozymandias; Ode to the West Wind
Keats: On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer; Ode on a Grecian Urn
Emily Bronte: Wuthering Heights
Lord Tennyson: Ulysses
Robert Browning: My Last Duchess
Chapter 1 Before the Revolution of Independence
1.1 Native American Literature
1.2 Colonial America
Chapter 2 Around the Revolution of Independence
Chapter 3 American Romanticism/Renaissance
3.1 Pre-Romanticism
3.2 The Peak of Romanticism
3.3 Post-Romanticism
Chapter 4 The Age of Realism
Chapter 5 The Age of Modernism
Chapter 6 American Literature since 1945
1. British Society & Culture
1.1 Land and People
1.2 History
1.3 Economy
1.4 Politics and Society
1.5 Education
2. American Society & Culture
2.1 Land and People
2.2 History
2.3 Economy
2.4 Politics and Law
2.5 Family
2.6 Society
2.7 Education
2.8 Beliefs and Values
Chapter 1 Language and Linguistics
1.1 The nature of language
1.2 The functions of language
1.3 Language families
1.4 Some important distinctions in linguistics
1.5 The scope of linguistics
Chapter 2 Phonetics and phonology
2.1 Production of sounds
2.2 Phonemes
2.3 Sound patterns
2.4 Suprasegmental features
Chapter 3 Morphology and lexicon
3.1 Word and word class
3.2 Morpheme
3.3 Inflection and word-formation
3.4 Lexicon
Chapter 4 Syntax
4.1 Sentence structure
4.2 Syntactic function and category
4.3 Transformational rules
Chapter 5 Semantics
5.1 Approaches to meaning
5.2 Semantic field and semantic relations
5.3 Semantic analysis
Chapter 6 Pragmatics and text analysis
6.1 Speech act theory
6.2 The Cooperative principle and the politeness principle
6.3 Presupposition and the structure of spoken text
6.4 Cohesion
6.5 Thematic structure ad information unit
Chapter 7 Language and social culture
7.1 Language varieties
7.2 Language and culture
7.3 Language change
7.4 Language planning
Chapter 8 Language acquisition and thought
8.1 First language acquisition
8.2 Second language acquisition
8.3 Language and thought
Chapter 9 Linguistics and Language teaching
9.1 Approaches to language teaching
9.2 Syllabus design
9.3 Language testing
9.4 Error analysis